Through years of research we've discovered what works in classrooms. Individualized instruction, or delivering the right instruction at the right time for each student, has been proven to deliver the highest results. We've also discovered that any teacher, with the right training, technology and support can master this methodology. By empowering teachers with professional development and technology, we can expand the pool of high quality teachers and dramatically improve student outcomes.
As schools that use A2i technology begin to see 94% of their student's learning to read by the end of third grade, fewer children will require remedial support, children will rarely be held back and referrals to special education will be cut in half. These reductions dramatically reduced the load on these specialized teachers and allow them the ability to provide a stronger education for students in general education classrooms. When teachers are empowered to realize their full potential and when 3rd grade students are able to read on average at a 5th grade level, we can address the root cause and fix "the broken teacher labor market."
Read more with Thomas Arnett's article Creating A Sea Change To Improve Teacher Impact