1. Reach for It
2. Go With Who Ya Got
3. Hold the Center
4. Keep the Circle Open
5. Avoid the Blame Game
6. Choose Measurable Outcomes
7. Develop a Sense of Urgency & Keep Going
1. Reach for It!
We have yet to work with a community that chooses a higher aspiration than is doable. Every community under-aspires, probably because they have felt defeated so many times in the past. They walk around with the heavy weight of “We’re never going to fix this problem.” Plus they feel they need to keep the aspiration “manageable” in order to please everyone. It’s no wonder they find it hard to reach for the sky.
Know this: High expectations are not unrealistic. You actually can create a great community where all residents thrive to their best ability. Setting a high aspiration inspires the process. It may feel beyond your reach at the beginning, but no one wants to make the effort to work differently for a modest goal.
As your community engages in a process to develop its aspirations, keep focused on the highest common denominator, not the lowest. Don’t we all want smart, capable kids? Strong, healthy families? Fulfilling jobs for all our residents? A joyous, beautiful community in which to grow old? Then let’s say so. And mean it. And reach for it.
Take the “Why Test”
2. Go With Who Ya Got
So often we hesitate to make decisions when certain key players aren’t participating. We let them control the conversation by their very absence. Instead of waiting for or worrying about their opinions, keep the aspirations front and center, make decisions based on that, and keep the wheels rolling forward. When the absentees see the exciting places you are headed, they will want to jump on the bus.
The key is to place a higher value on achieving the outcome than on deferring to those who are supposedly “in charge” of that outcome. If they alone were truly in charge, would it be the issue that it has become?
3. Hold the Center
Your aspiration becomes the center of your community’s new way of working. You need it to direct your subsequent work, and you can’t live without it when the going gets rough.
"Like the core of a planet, a clear, strong sense of purpose creates the gravitational pull that will bring people, effort, resources, and commitments to the process."
Your aspiration becomes your mantra. The more your repeat it, the more you will believe it. It is posted at every meeting. It appears at the top of every handout and press release. It is incorporated into the logo for your community’s website. It is your guide.
It is also the beginning and end of every conversation. When self-interested objections arise, or people go on the defensive, or old ways of doing things threaten progress, the aspiration reminds people of what must come first. It is hard to work at the level of community, instead of as representatives of our jobs. But we must continually hold onto that unfamiliar place and plant our feet firmly at that center where we all want the same things, where our aspiration calls us to our higher selves.
The aspiration statement allows you to talk about measurable actions. Without a clear aspiration, courtesy will always trump impact. No one wants to refuse funding to a favorite organization or question the value of a long-time community leader’s work. But without clarity on the goal and the measurements, we reinforce too many people for what they do and not for the results they achieve. However, with that clarity, those favorite organizations and stalwart leaders can see how they can align their work to help achieve the goal—and how to prove the difference they are making.
By starting the community conversation with aspirations, we also inoculate ourselves from the harm of disrupters. Community members have feared the disruptive tactics of certain individuals who have derailed past efforts. But when the community started with such a clear picture of the goal ahead, they gave disrupters no opportunity to wreak havoc. We have heard people reflect, “So-and-so has always been so difficult before, but in these sessions they’re not.”
By holding the center, we maintain our neutrality about the activities or programs and remain committed to the outcome. It’s not that activities and programs are not important – they are how we get things done – but they are valuable only to the extent that they get us to the outcome. Even the value of collaborating must be tested against progress on outcomes. Collaboration [link to “trap” on collaboration] to gain funding or create programs can be useful, but it must be designed first and foremost around what we want to accomplish.
4. Keep the Circle Open
A community effort must be just that—the work of the whole community. While you can’t force anyone to participate, you absolutely cannot keep out anyone who wants in. This is an inclusive process that takes everyone’s perspectives into consideration but is not held hostage by any one idea or agenda.
The circle is kept open through communication, invitation, and orientation:
Every step in the process should be documented and publicly posted on the web. Regular press releases to local media may also keep the effort in the public consciousness. The process will not be a smooth, linear success, and open communication will reveal missteps, re-dos, and changes of direction, but that’s okay. It shows how seriously you are taking this and how deliberately you are working to do it right.
Every report, news article, and web page should include information about where and when the next meetings will be held and an open invitation for anyone to attend. You should also make personal invitations to people whose knowledge or expertise would be a valuable addition at each point in the process.
New people won’t be used to working in new ways and will need to be caught up on what has happened so far. If they aren’t well oriented to thinking and working differently, to understanding how and why certain decisions have already been made, they will likely drag the conversation backward or in directions that reflect old ways of thinking. This is frustrating for previous participants and slows down the process.
Of course, newcomers’ questions should be answered, and they should be made to feel welcome. But the best strategy for keeping them from derailing the process is to get them up to speed before the meeting.
Plan on perpetual orientation as part of working differently. [pull quote] Phone conversations, materials to read, and half-hour pre-meeting orientations for newcomers are all helpful. Tell them your story, and when you get to the present, add them as a character. Then they can be full participants who will carry forward the process in their own valuable ways.
5. Avoid the Blame Game
Communities have a long history of not reaching their goals. It is easy to point fingers at who isn’t pulling his weight or doing her job. But the blame game only hurts; it never helps. In fact, usually we blame what is most susceptible to the broader failings of the community—the very institutions that are dependent on us as citizens for their achievement. It is the classic lesson of the pointed finger that has three fingers pointing back at ourselves.
We’ve yet to run into any malicious person who doesn’t want everyone to prosper. The ineffective systems we have are not caused by evil people trying to create hurdles. They are the result of all our good intentions put into action without clarity and rigor about what those good intentions will achieve.
Thus, blaming schools for failed outcomes, for example, is our way of avoiding our community responsibility for those outcomes. This new way of working asks everyone to take responsibility for success, so everyone is accountable. “Their children” become “our children.” “Those schools” become “our schools.”
6. Choose Measurable Outcomes
When Nisa Hensley, a Duke Energy executive in Shelby, Indiana, began participating in her community’s new way of working, she shared this realization:
“For success in real estate, the one guideline is ‘location, location, location.’ For community solutions, it should be ‘outcome, outcome, outcome.’”
Once you have agreed on what you want to achieve, you must determine how you will know when you’ve achieved it. Like stepping on the scale every morning, measurable outcomes are your guideposts for progress.
They need to be specific and measurable with clarity about how they will be measured:
· 95% of third graders read at grade level as measured by such-and-such test (e.g. NEAP).
· 90% of high school graduates attain at least an associates degree or trades certification within four years of graduation.
· 95% of families move out of poverty as defined by such-and-such calculator.
· 90% of all residents report getting regular exercise as measured by local survey.
· No more than five days a year does the air pollution measure exceed such-and-such level.
· 75% of vacant land within the city boundary is repurposed within ten years.
After you have your community aspirations, no other decisions should come before the outcomes, because when you get clear on the outcomes, the next questions – what should we do? how should we do it? who should do it? how can we pay for it? – become much easier to answer.
If we spend money to help send first-generation low-income students to college, but only 19% of them graduate (as is currently true in the state of Indiana), we haven’t invested that money very wisely. But if we commit to an outcome of 80% of first-generation students graduating from college (a commitment made in Grant County, Indiana), we will invest appropriately in the supports needed to help students succeed once they get there.
Sometimes we hesitate to choose outcomes because we worry they aren’t the right ones to measure, or that some good things cannot be measured. But if we are going to do the right thing for our future, we have to abandon the shifting ground and focus on what we can prove. As we learn more, we might decide to move to a different plateau, but we need some permanent measures to begin mapping our progress.
7. Develop a Sense of Urgency & Keep Going
If your community’s goals are worth aspiring to, they are worth invoking a sense of urgency. Each day, month, or year that passes without progress on the outcomes means more children, families, or opportunities are permitted to languish.
"Even so, working differently as a community is not a short-term project. It is not a new program. It is a long-term strategy."
When someone starts a new company, the entrepreneur never thinks, “Well, I hope I can do this quickly and get it over with.” It is just as absurd to think that way about solving community problems. Creating a healthy community is on ongoing commitment with an indefinite timeline. Like a successful company, you should want it to last and last, because it means you are succeeding at working at the community level. This doesn’t mean you can’t see quick results on certain outcomes, and it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep the momentum rolling. But you should embrace it as a new way of operating from now on.
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